Announcing Albert Woodfox & Robert King’s European Freedom Tour Events – November 2016
The International Angola 3 Coalition is delighted to announce the first European visit from Albert Woodfox in November 2016. Albert Woodfox (the last remaining member of the Angola 3 to be freed from prison in Louisiana, USA in February this year after 43 years in solitary confinement) and Robert King (released 15 years ago after 29 years in solitary falsely accused of the same crime) will visit the UK and France to meet supporters and to continue their campaign to call for the abolition of solitary confinement and freedom for political prisoners who remain victims of the criminal (in)justice system in the USA.
The visit will take place during the USA presidential election and comes at a time when questions of race and injustice in the USA are as relevant today as they were in the 1970’s when Woodfox and King were members of the Black Panther Party whilst in prison campaigning for human and civil rights.
The visit will start in London with Albert and Robert launching Amnesty UK’s Write for Rights Campaign on Tuesday 1 November followed by the below UK public events:
Thursday 3 November, 5.30 pm – Liverpool
The Angola 3 and the Struggle for Freedom in the USA’s Criminal ‘Injustice’ System. Prof. Joe Sim in conversation with Albert Woodfox and Robert King.
Venue: Liverpool John Moores University, John Foster Building, Room G01, 80-98 Mount Pleasant,
Liverpool L3 5UZ
Reserve your free place here.
Friday 4 November, 5.30 pm — Manchester
Black Power and the Struggle for Freedom in the USA’s Criminal “Injustice” System – The Story of the Angola 3. Conversation with Woodfox and King.
Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education, Brooks Building, 53 Bonsall St, Manchester M15 6GX
Reserve your free place here.
Monday 7 November, 7 pm – London Guardian Event
Life in solitary confinement in the USA: the story of the Angola 3. The Guardian’s Simon Hattenstone talks to Albert Wodfox and Robert King on the eve of the US election about their experiences and the struggle for civil rights in the US from the 60s to the present day.
Venue: The Guardian, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9GU
To attend, book your ticket here.
Tuesday 8 November – 6pm – Cambridge
Black Panthers to Obama’s America: Black Power and the struggle for freedom in the criminal (in)justice system – personal accounts of the Angola 3. In conversation with Albert Woodfox and Robert King.
Venue: Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, LAB 026, Cambridge
Reserve your free place here.
Tuesday 15 November –Paris, France
Rencontre de 19h à 22h
A la Bourse du Travail de Paris – salle Ambroise Croizat
Lieu : 3, Rue du Château d’Eau Paris 75010 France
More information here.
Albert and Robert look forward to meeting friends and supporters. Please spread the word of these events to friends and networks!